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Sathya Sai organisation in Switzerland & around the world

The main objective of the Sathya Sai organisation is to help humanity realise its inherent divinity

International organisation

The SSSIO is a spiritual and humanitarian organisation founded by Sai Baba and has been active worldwide for over 50 years. The Prasanthi Council was established by Swami in 2003 to manage the SSSIO. Subsequently, the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation was established in 2006 to coordinate the SSSIO's humanitarian aid projects around the world. The guidelines of the SSSIO were developed under the personal guidance of Sathya Sai Baba. The headquarters of the SSSIO is nowadays in California. The whole world is divided into zones; Switzerland belongs to Zone 6, Southern Europe.


Organisation in India

As early as 1956, Sai had a hospital with clean water built in His birthplace of Puttaparthi in South India to supply the poor; a school for girls and other social projects followed. In 1972, in view of the ever-increasing dimensions of Baba's work, the Central Trust was founded. Today, it manages most of India's Sathya Sai institutions in the fields of medicine, education, water and media, as well as the Prasanthi Nilayam Ashram. The Trust also supports the Indian Sai Organisation and their respective foundations in the states, as well as various research institutes.


Legal status in Switzerland

The Swiss organisation is an association according to the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB), members are the centres and groups, represented by their leaders. The members support the objectives stated in the statutes to spread the basic values of truth, right conduct, love, peace and non-violence. The Managing Committee consists of the National Council President (NCP), the secretary, the national wing leaders and the coordinators for other national tasks.


Office bearers

Sathya Sai would like every member of the organisation to take up a task according to their capabilities. These office bearers are selected at all levels for two years at a time, with the possibility of a second term. At both the national and centre levels, there are coordinators for the three wings of education, spirituality and service, as well as coordinators for young adults. There are also people responsible for public relations, the bookshop, the media, the bulletin and archive, environmental issues, finances and also for this website. All office bearers work on a voluntary basis, completely free of charge, and usually also pay minor expenses in connection with their functions.


Ceiling on Desires

«Do not waste food, do not waste money, do not waste time, do not waste energy, do not exploit nature. Avoiding waste of these gifts from God is a spiritual practice leading to self-realisation.»
Let's analyse our desires and see how we can reduce them. Instead of spending money for our own pleasure, we should use the money saved by limiting our desires for the relief of the needy, as well as for the protection of our planet. 

Ceiling on Desires

Support humanitarian aid projects

Anyone wishing to support the projects in India, worldwide humanitarian relief projects or Swiss initiatives, please contact the Swiss treasurer Reto. Donations are tax-exempt in Switzerland.

Projects in India

The Central Trust in Prasanthi Nilayam manages the schools, hospitals, water projects... especially in India


International projects

The World Foundation in the US finances and coordinates humanitarian relief operations around the world...


Swiss initiatives

In Switzerland, costs occur for local relief projects, communication, national meetings, publication of the teachings...

Quotations from speeches & books & letters

The organisations named after Me must not be used to proclaim My name or to create a new religious community around My worship.

Receive all people into the community. Consider everyone as a child of God. Whomever you serve, believe that you are serving your own brothers and sisters.

Be servants, servants of God - then all power and joy will flow to you. Feel that you are a tool in His hands, let Him shape you and use you as He knows best.

Give no importance to differences of religion, status or colour. Let the feeling of unity permeate all your actions. Only those who do this have a place in this organisation.

The collection of money is as opposed to this movement as fire is to water. If you give in on this point, spiritual progress will perish.

As the air of a bursting balloon merges with the boundless expanse outside, so too your love must fill your home and community and eventually become world-encompassing.

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