Welcome to SSSIO Switzerland
Frequently asked questions

Who is Sri Sathya Sai Baba?

Sri Sathya Sai (1926-2011), also called Baba or simply Swami, is a great Indian educational reformer, philosopher and saint who sees His main task in the moral and spiritual renewal of India and the world. He was born in the South Indian village of Puttaparthi, where His most important ashram is still located today. In India, He initiated various large-scale projects in the fields of education, health and water supply. He is revered by many people as an Avatar, a divine incarnation.


What is Sai Baba's message?
What are the human values?

Sathya Sai Baba's message transcends all religions. It shows people the way to become aware of their inherent divinity and to respect the spiritual teachings of all religions. His education is based on the five universal human values: truth, right conduct, peace, love and non-violence. These ethical values are contained in all religions and ensure a fulfilled life.


How can I get informations?
What's going on in Switzerland?

Books by and about Sai Baba can be found in our book and media shop in Aarau. The Sai Bulletin, designed by the members, is published twice a year. The contact points for personal contact are the centres and groups in the various parts of the country. Each year there is an annual theme, which is explored in depth in study circles and national meetings.


What happens in Sai centres?
How can I get involved?

In all centres there are regular weekly activities consisting of two parts: a study circle on texts by Sathya Sai Baba and a part with songs from all religions and Indian bhajans. Usually there is also a meditation at the end. There are centres or groups in Aarau, Basel, Bellinzona, Bern, Geneva, Langenthal, St. Gallen and Zurich. Visitors are welcome, and one can later become a member of a centre. There are no financial obligations.


How can you learn mantras, bhajans or western songs?

Distinctive words or phrases from the Vedas become mantras: Om or So'ham (He is I). The names of God, each telling a whole story, become bhajans, traditional spiritual songs. There are also many elaborate compositions by Baba's students. In the centres outside India, songs from all religions are also sung in different languages. In Switzerland, we have developed our own books with sheet music for learning the bhajans and western songs.


How is the SSSIO organised in Switzerland and worldwide?

In India, there is a central trust which manages Baba's schools, hospitals, the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram and the organisations in the Indian states. The International Organisation and the World Foundation, based in California, are responsible for the rest of the world. The Swiss organisation is an association under the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB), consisting of the centres and groups, represented by their leaders. Office bearers are selected at all levels for two or four years respectively.


Contact SSSIO Switzerland

Feedbacks from our users


I was very pleased with the new website, which is now also suitable for uninformed beginners.

missing explanation of the name

Consider the meaning of the name, Sai Baba. Sa means 'Divine' ai or ayi means 'mother' and Baba means father. The Name indicates the Divine Mother and Father.

your feedback



Fonts like on the international SSSIO page, and slightly adapted colours, perfect.


super adaptive, runs just as well on smartphones and tablets as on the desktop.

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